Come in For a Free Trial Week
Interested in trying us out? We’d love to have you in for a free trial week of classes. Please plan to arrive 10 minutes before our scheduled class time to sign a waiver, meet our team and get fitted in a loaner Gi if needed for the class of the day.
Frequently Asked Questions
What class should I attend?
Adults should plan on coming to any of our classes labeled “fundamental” and kids and youth should plan on trying a class according to their age group. Some exceptions to our age guidelines are made based on size and skill level, so kids in the 8-9 range should plan on trying both classes to see which is most appropriate. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the scheduled class time.
What should I wear?
Tightly fitted athletic clothing is recommended for any class. Shorts or pants should be without pockets (for safety reasons). We have loaner Gis for classes that require a uniform. When we are on the mats, we don’t wear shoes however we typically recommend slides, flip flops or crocs as footwear so you can easily get your shoes back on if you need to step off of the mats.
What should I bring?
Please make sure to have a bottle of water or sports drink. Gatorades are also available for purchase in our gym.
I’ve never tried Jiu Jitsu before, what should I expect?
We don’t expect you to know anything about Jiu Jitsu or even martial arts when you come through our doors. Our program is built to teach you different pieces of the ‘Jiu Jitsu Puzzle.’ It is normal to feel a bit lost in your first class and even in your first few months, but trust us, if you stick with it and keep showing up, all the pieces will start to come together.